I decided to troll around the 'net and see what's the latest buzz on this old topic. Interestingly, Peak Oil is kind of on the way out as a theory. I came across many interesting headlines:
‘Peak Oil’ Is a Waste of Energy' - New York Times
The IEA Says Peak Oil Is Dead. That’s Bad News for Climate Policy - Time Magazine
Everything You Know About Peak Oil Is Wrong - Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine
There Will Be Oil:For decades, advocates of 'peak oil' have been predicting a crisis in energy supplies. They've been wrong at every turn - Wall Street Journal
Sure, you can find stories saying that Peak Oil is still coming and there are studies like the aforementioned one at UC Davis. But look at who's saying these headlines! These aren't weird survivalists in the woods. New York Times, Time, Wall Street Journal. I guess as a "theory", Peak Oil just isn't scaring people like it used to.
Now, I'm well aware that any oil supply that we have must be logically finite. We will run out of oil someday. Its just interesting that the scare theory of Peak Oil is being seriously discounted by seriously powerful people.
I wonder if in a couple of decades, we'll be reading the same thing about Global Warming. The latest scare theory which has the status of religious truth right now; to question it, is to bring horrible retribution as an evil infidel against wisdom! And there were those British scientists caught fudging data to make it fit the theory... Oh wait, did I say that? Oh no! It wasn't me who questioned Holy Global Warming Writ, the devil was at my elbow!
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