Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Who Cares?

We've all seen weird and wonderful posts and comments on internet blogs, facebook comments, yahoo news story boards, mod download comment areas, and all sorts of places.  There seems to be one particular quote that is often seen again and again, usually in things that are a bit sweet, glurgy, or "human interest."  Personally, I consider them trolls and trolling posts when I see them.   Yes, its the "Who Cares?" brigade!

It always seems to be the same people or the same kinds of people that do this.  

>"The Queen sends people who reach 100 a birthday card."
Who Cares!

>"Dog saves baby's life by barking the family awake."
Who Cares?

>"Man bites dog, startling photos, story at 11!"
Who Cares?!?

Now, for a moment, let me put on my armchair psychologist, amateur intellectual, hat.  What are these trolls really saying?   Oh I think its the same old story.  If the troll truly didn't "care" about the post, then why even post a response?  Why even acknowledge it?  I don't care about beer making in Bangladesh but I don't go around seeking out people who post about it only to shout out "WHO CARES!"

I think these Trolls are reacting to something else.  They don't want to react to some story: the queen, the noble dog, the strange dog-biting man.  They are desperately trying not to feel.  They are outsiders (hence trolls) and have to try to spread around some of their anti-social feelings.  Its not that they don't care, they want everyone else not to care either, just so we'll be like them.  Or they'll be like us.  And we'll all be together, co-co-kee-choo.

As you can tell by my unflattering analysis of the type of person who knee-jerk reaction posts "Who Cares!" to everything, I find them very annoying.  There's another thing I don't care about: anti-social trolls who try to alleviate their alienation from society by tearing down everything around them screaming "who cares!"  

So, instead of trying to get everyone around you not to care, dare to feel!  Dare to integrate!  Dare to stick your heart out there on display and say "But does the Queen send a birthday card to dogs who save baby's lives only to get bitten by strange men?"  

I do that all the time.  Often I get bitch-slapped down and told to shut up, and that's when people even take the time to notice me.  But the last thing I'm going to do is not care.

Monday, March 23, 2015

An Irony of the Information Age

Way back in 1991, when I was young and had a creative imagination still, I wrote a series of stories about a fictitious people that I called "The Sea People."  I wrote the stories in a 5" x 8" sketchbook.

Since then, I have written various stories, and the beginnings of my 'Great American Novel', typed on computers and stored electronically.  Almost all of these later sketches and writings have been lost in hard drive failures, computer deaths, computer moves, lost loose-leaf printouts.  Almost nothing survives from these later 1990s early 2000s stories.

However, this old 1991 notebook is still with me!  It was in the garage for the longest time until today, I pulled it out to look at it.  This pen and ink (and sometimes pencil) sketch survives where modern information technology does not.  To be fair, I only started using the internet a few years back, and even less actually blogging and recording things online.  But that old 1991 notebook with handwritten stories turned out to be the most resilient of all!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Love Cleaning... yeah right!

I was poking around the 'net as I often do and found a listing of self-help self-hypnosis files you could order.  They were the usual thing: Learn Japanese, Be Successful, Seduce The Entire Lineup of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders... 

Then I saw one that said "Love Cleaning!"

I guffawed.  Yeah, right!  I'm sure these files might help some people, but make me love cleaning?!?  I'd sooner believe the instant seduction and become a millionaire recordings would happen before that!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Ancient Alien Bandwagon

I'm a long time watcher of the History Channel's Ancient Aliens.  There have been many regular 'talking heads' on that show for some time.  However, upon reading their own published works, I've discovered something rather interesting.  Many of the guests and 'talking heads' that come on the show with Giorgio Tsoukalos (a true believer, heir to Erich Von Daniken, and closest thing to a 'leader' in the Ancient Alien Theorist community as you can get) don't actually believe what they are saying when they appear on Ancient Aliens.  For instance:

Graham Hancock:  Very clearly states in his books that he thinks there was a prior human civilization (or civilizations) on Earth that got to a very high level of technological development but then disappeared due to war and/or natural disaster.  Atlantis was one of them.  But no alien interventions were needed and probably did not happen.

David Hatcher Childress: While giving lipservice to the possibility of ancient aliens, his views are very simular to Hancock's.  There were flesh and blood Ice Age (or earlier) human civilizations which are now lost in the sands of time.  

Phillip Coppens: Sadly, he passed away in 2012, Coppens writes in his book, The Ancient Alien Question, that he very much doubts there was actual physical contact between ancient humans and ancient aliens.  If there was some sort of contact, it must have been channeling or some sort of spiritual communication.  

Andrew Collins: In his books "Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods", he refers to the ancient alien theory as a "fanciful notion" which he does not hold with, in this book at least.  Collins sees a world-wide disaster occurring during the Younger Dryas Boundary (when mega-fauna went extinct in huge numbers such as the sabre-tooth tigers and mastodons).  This disaster, probably a meteor or comet, caused shell-shocked human survivors to wander the world.  One such group which already had knowledge of astronomy and agriculture, arrived in the middle east and swiftly became the elites of this area through coercion and conquest.   They were behind Gobekli Tepe.  No aliens, just a slightly more advanced human culture from what is now Southwest Russia that moved down into East Turkey and Northern Iraq.   Collins does stray more into the Occult than Coppens does but still does not think aliens had anything to do with us.

So, it seems to me that when these writers, and others, appear on Ancient Aliens, its only in the understanding that they will agree with the subject matter.  Whether anyone with the show knows their true beliefs, or cares about them, is anyone's guess.   I figure that as long as they tout up the ancient alien line when they come in the studio and make the show interesting, they are welcome. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Solutreans: It Wasn't Murder!

I've been reading the book Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods by Andrew Collins.  In it, he analyses the 12,000 year old ruins and tries to explain why hunter-gatherers suddenly begin building complex and highly sophisticated stone circles at Gobekli Tepe.

The book is wide ranging and Collins talks about the Younger Dryas Boundary Event.  Its becoming more and more accepted in archaeology and geological science that something happened around 10,900BC to 10,300BC.  This "event", possibly a comet strike or multiple strikes from a broken up comet, really badly trashed the planet.  The impact event caused the extinction of the ice age megafauna: the wooly mammoths, dire wolves, giant flightless birds, sabre-toothed tigers, and many others.

Collins also mentions: 

"Also around the same time North America's Paleo-Indians, represented by the Clovis culture, abruptly disappear from the archaeological record."

This caused me to suddenly think about the Solutrean Hypothesis.  In a nutshell, it is a hypothesis that says that paleolithic Europeans, maybe as much as 18,000 years ago, had managed to cross from Europe to North America, settling there.  It is a hotly contested theory, being presented in a Discovery Channel documentary called Ice-Age Columbus and other books.   The theory has also been used to try and explain anomalous discoveries such as Kennewick Man.

However, unfortunately, the theory has been subverted and adopted by less savory types such as Neo-Nazis and white nationalists to try and justify their murderous and genocidal wishes.   The unsavory types also conclude, since there were no Caucasian type people in North America when the modern discovery of the continent occurred, that they must have been killed: a genocide carried out by the peoples we now know as Native Americans.  A particularly unsavory young man (now a lawyer practicing in the Midwest) wrote a nasty book outlining this theory, advocating getting revenge on Native Americans and Hispanics with terrible acts of violence. 

The "Clovis Culture", however, is supposed to have been the Solutreans.  The whole theory is posited on the similarity of the arrowheads and stone tools of the Clovis peoples with the Solutrean cultures of northren France and other areas in Europe.  

But for a moment, lets take it as read that the theory is real.  It is now known that Caucasian European types got into areas just west of China, the Tocharians, who's burials have been found in what is now Western China.  The language they spoke, Tocharian, is identified as an Indo-European language.  So, lets for a moment say that some Caucasians from Europe did somehow get over to North America several thousand years before the Younger Dryas Boundary Event.

And now lets take it for granted that the Younger Dryas Boundary Event did occur.  That there was some sort of comet or meteorite impact, or several of them, occurring at one time or over time (there is a possibility that debris kept impacting the planet for some time).  

If Andrew Collins' offhand observation that at this same time, the Clovis people vanished, then I think we can theorize what happened to the Solutreans.  They were not genocided.  They were not murdered by the Native Americans.  

The impacts of so many pieces of comet or meteor would have set off incredible fires, possibly a nuclear winter event.  There would have been widespread devistation, especially in areas hardest hit by the impacts.  And it seems that North America was especially badly effected by this Younger Dryas Boundary Event.  Almost all the megafauna of North America went extinct at this time, vanished without a trace.  Along with them, if they were there, would be the European derived Clovis people.

If the Solutreans in North America were real (which it seems could have been possible) and if some world-wide devastating event happened at the Younger-Dryas Boundary around 10,900 BCE did occur (which is seeming more and more likely), then the unsavory types are wrong.  It wasn't murder.  The Clovis Culture Solutreans were wiped out (probably close to the point of total extinction) by a terrible, horrible, cosmic accident. It effected the whole planet and caused untoward devastation.   

It wasn't murder.  There was no "white genocide."  It was a meteor storm where most of the meteors (or comet fragments or whatever) actually impacted all over the planet.  The Solutreans, caucasians of North America, like the mastadon and sabre tooth tiger, went extinct.