Friday, June 26, 2015

Will Donald Duck? Trump's Sexual Fear.

With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her own people.
-Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

Donald Trump, the racist megalomaniac, recently dropped a clanger when he said:

"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists," he said, adding, "and some, I assume, are good people." 

Now, its obvious that Mr. Trump is a racist, certainly against Latinos and probably other non-white groups as well.  That goes without question.  But what I find the most interesting about his quote is the inclusion of rapist.  Sound familiar?  The psycho shooter Dylann Roof recently used similar language during his attack on a African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina.  Screaming that you rape our women! he opened fire and killed nine people.

This is not a new charge from racists that members of the out-group, be it African-Americans, Jews, or even Hispanics, are rapists.  The belief is that these non-white peoples are literally hunting for white women to rape.  

Nazis and White Nationalists have often admitted that there is one area in which they are not superior to all other people on the planet, sexual prowess.  They have stated from the days of Ostara in 1920s Germany that the White man, the Aryan, had better things to do than go around having sex.   There was and is no way that the white nationalist feels he can compete with the bestial sexuality of the 'lesser' races that he hates.  

The response is, of course, to add this to the long list of reasons to hate these non-white groups.  They are beasts.  They are subhuman.  Their sexual appetites prove that they are not sentient, not members of homo sapiens.  So-called Aryans have seen this as a true challenge because the lower bestial races are seen as more potent than their superior betters.

Along with this view is a particularly ancient and patriarchal view of women.  The white women, in these views, is not a person who will demand her rights nor assert herself sexually.  The white woman is seen as an ideal of purity, of motherhood, of the keeper of house and home.  The white woman is not intelligent and does not comprehend the threat to superior White genes that the non-white brings.  She is very susceptible to the money of the Jews, the large penises of the Blacks, and the overall animal-like virility of the non-white.

When Trump says that Mexicans are all out to rape [white] women or Dylann Roof murders innocent African Americans because they rape our women, part of the mentality is that they are defending their women.  Women who need defending.  They are defending precious White genes from corruption by non-white blood.   The lower races must not pollute, through interbreeding, the rich blood of the higher races (D. Skylar, 1977)

Some white nationalists, and the German Nazis, believed that even sexual intercourse with non-whites was enough to soil, permanently, any white or aryan woman.  Christian Identity believers to this day believe that the worst crime a white woman can commit is to just have sex with a non-white, let alone marry or have children from them.  It all stems from an idea that the immortal soul of the white person is bound up in their blood and body.  Soiling the body with non-white contact can literally soil the soul and make it unworthy.

The sexual fear of non-whites using rape is also portrayed in films made for propaganda.  The most heinous example is the Nazi film Jud Suss, in which a German woman is raped by an Jewish man mainly just for the evilz.  And it is a sexual fear.  This propaganda, used by Dylann Roof and continued with Donald Trump, is to be used to dehumanize the "enemy," i.e. non-white people in general and Latinos and African-Americans in particular.  

Donald Trump wants white people to feel okay about the need for machine-gun turrets and huge walls, with forced deportation, internment, and murder.  After all, these "people" are here to rape our women, aren't they?  It would be okay to treat them badly.  That's what Trump's propaganda is all about.  Whipping up the sexual fear of a mass of white people who already feel threatened by and inferior to the rapacious sexual appetites of the non-white subhuman.    Trump, as president, wants a country where only the white person is human.  The others are beasts of the field to be controlled, kept out, and killed.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I'm going to go buy a confederate flag!

If they do get outlawed, they're going to become major collector's items!  Most companies have stopped selling them already.  I'd buy one, keep it in the original wrapping and take it to Pawn Stars in a few years! :-D

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

You will be assimilated... NOT!

One topic that I have been constantly reminded of over my lifetime is the desire of "mainstream" white America demanding that everyone else "assimilate" to their norms, language and custom.  The idea is that, if only these non-whites would assimilate, everything would be peachy keen jellybean.

I am living proof that this is not the case.  I was born in the late 1960s and grew up in a small "hick" town in Oregon in the 1970s.  I am a Latino of Californian and Sonoran decent. 

Back then Oregon was more conservative than the deep south, there were neo-nazis everywhere, and cross burnings were a way of life in some areas.  People in small towns would refer to Brazil nuts as N****r toes.  Chinese people were barely allowed to walk the street when I came to live in Oregon.  It was not a place to be non-white in those days.

In consequence, my family assimulated.  It also helped that I had been born a military 'brat'.  I never learned to speak Spanish.  We never practiced or discussed any of our cultural heritage or practices.  I speak proper standard English, fuss over grammar, and learned to use all the norms and customs of the white people I was around.  I still profusely say please and thank you to this day and speak very politely to anyone that I do not know well.  These were the rules of white society in days gone by.  I would have used "ma'am/sir" as well if that had been the custom.

Did any of this help?  No, not at all.  I was still a "Mexican" to the whites of McMinnville, Oregon growing up there, including one D. Bundy who tried to run me over with his car.  I was still a "Mexican" in High School and whenever anything happened, my brother or I were the first to be dragged in as the "usual suspects."  I was still a "Mexican" not to be hired at Hewlett-Packard in the 1990s.  I was still the object of the we don't need another Mexican around here at that recent job site in 2013, where I was the only Hispanic and only person not hired of four temp to hires (the others being white and all of us being qualified and promised to be hired).  

I was still one of the "mud races" to racists in Arkansas when I lived there.  To that one guy at NCR, when I worked there, I was still the alien invader that needed to be destroyed even though I was born in the U.S. and had done everything I could to "fit in."  I was still a horrible creature to Virginia Alderson, an ancient woman who would threaten me with her "G-Man" husband [I think it was a sort of accusation of being an illegal alien], and give me long lectures on how come you people don't assimilate?  Latinos are still dinged in job interviews for failing to make serious and constant eye-contact even though Whites have been told again and again that constant eye-balling eye contact is considered rude and threatening in Hispanic cultures.

These days, ethnic groups and immigrants no longer have to assimilate, which is a good thing.  Because, even if you do it, it will do you no good.  You will never be accepted.  I wish I had been raised in my culture and learned to speak fluent home-Spanish.  I wish I had not been raised to try and "fit in" with the "mainstream" white people who still despised me as one of the "mudslide" invading from the south.  Resistance isn't futile.  Assimilation is.  If you're thinking of it to try and "fit in", don't.  Neither they nor your future self will thank you for it. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Book Review: Gods of the Blood by Mattias Gardell

Required reading in the subject

A bit of personal background before I review this book.  I grew up in Mc Minnville, Oregon, during the 1970s and early 1980s.  I was probably the only Latino in the school system at that time.  Oregon at that time was very white and racist.  There was a huge skinhead movement in Portland and it was only recently that the laws against Asians other non-whites had been repealed.  When I was a freshman in High School, a white guy named D. Bundy pinned me against the door of the firehouse with his car in a racist attack.  When I reported it to the police (around the corner in fact), they got "right on it" (read: didn't do a thing).   A teacher of mine in sixth grade (last name Prewitt) kept his classroom segregated with the Asians and the single black student sitting on a table of their own (which he never went to).  Somehow I got to sit on the center table in those days but not with the blond hair and blue eyed four students he put on the head table.  

Luckily, this is as bad as I experienced in the racism of old time America, however, it left me with a lifelong interest, almost obsession, to 'keep an eye' on White Supremacists which were people who's avowed purpose in life was to kill me and everyone who looked like me.  

I have since learned that most of these folks are plain lunatics and have little power to carry out their threats, and when they do go "lone wolf", they usually attack randomly. 

Anyway, since those days, I have read voraciously on The Third Reich and about radical right movements.  This book was one that I've been meaning to read for some time, but only just got around to it.  

Gardell's book is simply required reading for anyone interested in neo-nazis, white separatism, and the radical right.  The book is old and therefore dated in the individuals and organizations that are discussed.  However, since the "fearless leaders" in the white movements, as well as the movements themselves, behave pretty much the same now as they did then, Gardell's conclusions are fully relevant.   I would go so far as to say that this book should be read by any and all politicians and law enforcement personnel who may come into contact with white nationalists.

Gardell is coming at his subject from the viewpoint of neo-paganism.  The first half of the book discusses various white nationalists and their movements, but the second half goes into a long discussion of the ideologies of the different neo-pagan movements which influence the radical right. 

The second half of the book, which gets a bit 'heavy' in a scholarly way, goes into detail about various neo-pagan belief systems.  Wicca and Druidism are discussed, however, since these movements tend not to be racially motivated or used for racist motivation (except for a few bad apples), Gardell quickly moves on to other topics.  Satanism, Odinism, Wotanism, and Asatru are discussed, discussing the various levels of radicalism in each. 

Gardell is very level minded and approaches his topic openly, questioning watchdog groups such as the SPLC and the conclusions of other groups about how much of a threat these groups really are.  Gardell is not witchhunting and when he thinks that certain people or movements are 'mostly harmless', he says so.

The last chapter in which he discusses his conclusions are especially important.  Gardell defines white nationalists and puts them into perspective in a precise and intelligent manner.  His conclusions about where the leadership of white nationalism comes from, the interrelationship of non-mainstream beliefs, and how white nationalism is related to an idea of lost 'white privilege' and class standing with the onset of multiculturalism and globalism is conclusive.