Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fictional Books: Where can I get them?

I am an incredible bookworm.  No, I'm a book-Sandworm.  No! I'm a book-Alaskan BULL WORM! (Spongebob Squarepants reference, and a bit of bragging about size, heh heh).

I love to read and read for pleasure.  I do tend to fixate on certain things to read.  I mainly read non-fiction these days, mainly British History, World War II, Espionage, the paranormal and occult.  For fiction, I mainly read sci-fi and fantasy.  Frank Herbert is one of my favorite authors.  I've also read authors like CS Lewis, Tolkien (of course!), T.H. White and other various dudes.

Anyway, that's just some useless background for my discussion today. 

Have you (fellow bookworms mainly) ever read a book or read about your favorite book series and had it mention an "in universe" book that you wish you could read for real?  That happens to me all the time.  I often save the titles and make my Sim write them in The Sims.  A couple that come to the top of my brain:

Ballads from the Border Stars - from the Dune (extended) universe, a book that contains the story of the Ampoloris (the Dune Universe equivalent of the Flying Dutchman).  I want this book!  I am planning to carry out a strange occult ceremony to try and shift into the Dune universe to get a copy. :-)

A Time for Pompous Titles - from a Dune parody but that title has stuck in my head for years and I want to at least look at it.

Is Man A Myth? - A must read for any bookworm who gets to Narnia.

Of course, Lovecraftians want to get a hold of the Necronomicon but I think I'll give that one a pass.

Some computer games like the Bethesda Elder Scrolls games actually have in game books which are quite interesting.  They're only a few paragraphs long but I can imagine versions that are the size of an actual book.  There's one in Morrowind, appearing in Skyrim as well, called The Doors of Oblivion that I would love to sit down an read in its entirety.

And there's the matter of that Giant Rat of Sumatra that Sherlock Holmes wouldn't let Watson talk about...

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