Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Who Cares?

We've all seen weird and wonderful posts and comments on internet blogs, facebook comments, yahoo news story boards, mod download comment areas, and all sorts of places.  There seems to be one particular quote that is often seen again and again, usually in things that are a bit sweet, glurgy, or "human interest."  Personally, I consider them trolls and trolling posts when I see them.   Yes, its the "Who Cares?" brigade!

It always seems to be the same people or the same kinds of people that do this.  

>"The Queen sends people who reach 100 a birthday card."
Who Cares!

>"Dog saves baby's life by barking the family awake."
Who Cares?

>"Man bites dog, startling photos, story at 11!"
Who Cares?!?

Now, for a moment, let me put on my armchair psychologist, amateur intellectual, hat.  What are these trolls really saying?   Oh I think its the same old story.  If the troll truly didn't "care" about the post, then why even post a response?  Why even acknowledge it?  I don't care about beer making in Bangladesh but I don't go around seeking out people who post about it only to shout out "WHO CARES!"

I think these Trolls are reacting to something else.  They don't want to react to some story: the queen, the noble dog, the strange dog-biting man.  They are desperately trying not to feel.  They are outsiders (hence trolls) and have to try to spread around some of their anti-social feelings.  Its not that they don't care, they want everyone else not to care either, just so we'll be like them.  Or they'll be like us.  And we'll all be together, co-co-kee-choo.

As you can tell by my unflattering analysis of the type of person who knee-jerk reaction posts "Who Cares!" to everything, I find them very annoying.  There's another thing I don't care about: anti-social trolls who try to alleviate their alienation from society by tearing down everything around them screaming "who cares!"  

So, instead of trying to get everyone around you not to care, dare to feel!  Dare to integrate!  Dare to stick your heart out there on display and say "But does the Queen send a birthday card to dogs who save baby's lives only to get bitten by strange men?"  

I do that all the time.  Often I get bitch-slapped down and told to shut up, and that's when people even take the time to notice me.  But the last thing I'm going to do is not care.

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