Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Insensitive or just stupid?

I've been reading of the tragic deaths of Robin Williams and a local woman named Jennifer Hudson who also ended her own life seemingly when she had so much to live for.

So many of the comments to the stories express disbelief, but there are so many that say things like "we don't know all the details, so how can they say suicide..." or "asphyxiation does not mean suicide, we need to know more!" Comments along those lines.

People, when the reports mention "asphyxiation", "ligature," and law enforcement saying, after one or the other (or both) of those words, that they're pretty sure its suicide, it means they found them hanging by their neck from a line!  Its just indelicate to say that!

Of course, it usually comes out in the end exactly what they found, like David Carridine, who was found hanging from his neck in a closet. 

It just makes me wonder about people sometimes.  Are they really just daft?  Are they like the people that Wierd Al Yankovich makes fun of in one of his parodies that just have to know everything? 

And no, YOU don't need to know how they died in gory detail.  Family members, yes, but not YOU. 

It'll all come out for Robin Williams anyway since we seem to have this obsession with celebrity deaths.  Personally, I think its a form of vicarious enjoyment because people are secretly jealous of their success and now get to read of their final horrifying moments and what state they were left in.

For the ghouls out there that need their death porn, just go read an account on the effects of strangulation and hanging.  There's lots of those stories out there and you can read all about it.  

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